
Staying positive through the challenges of Diabetes

Lift Music…..

on July 28, 2014

I think we all have a case of autopilot 😊

The Grumpy Pumper

Lift Music

You know how it is, you go into a lift, shop or restaurant and playing in the background is that bloody awful music. As soon as you notice it, it annoys the crap out of you, interrupts your thought process and no matter how hard you try to push it to the back of your mind you can’t.

After a while it begins to become background noise. Because it’s been there for a while it’s started to become a constant and you brain knows it’s there but starts to tune it out. It’s less annoying and you can live with it. You notice if there is a change of song, but basically it’s not pissing you off as much it did at the start.

Then you basically ignore it. Not deliberately, but it’s been there for so long droning on in the background that you don’t even notice the change…

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